As some of you may have read a few weeks ago, I have plans to expand my SeaweedArt greeting card line to include prints and other stationery items. I am trying to raise capital on the crowd funding site, Kickstarter. Kickstarter is a great way for small business owners like me to seek funding for product development. You can help me by visiting this SeaweedArt Kickstarter link and making a secure pledge by then clicking on the green button (see below). In exchange, you will receive a reward from me based on the amount of your pledge. (All pledge amounts, no matter how small, are welcome.) The rewards range from a SeaweedArt greeting card to a set of four matted original pressed seaweed collages. Please help and pass along to your social network. And remember, 10% of all profits from the sale of SeaweedArt products are donated to ocean conservation.

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