Beth collecting seaweedIn addition to my creative SeaweedArt  side and my passion for ocean conservation,  I am also an independent insurance professional. These are two paths that lead me to helping others and I give back to the community. In the spirit of giving I have developed a fundraising referral program that benefits marine conservation causes. Here’s how it works.

I will donate $25 to the ocean cause of your choice for any referral sent to me that turns into a policy. The average household typically has three policies– two autos and a homeowners/renters policy, which totals $75. That adds up fast.

Not only will I pay the referral fee(s) to you when the policies are issued, but also when they renew annually, so long as the policy stays in force. This is an easy, hassle free way of generating revenue that is on going.

To learn more about how you can enroll your organization in this program please contact me at

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