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Time Lapse of Kids Ocean Day Hong Kong

Over 1,000 Hong Kong school children, teachers and volunteers form a massive kid-designed dolphin to say in two languages “Protect” in English, and Ocean in Chinese (海洋), communicating their desires for a clean and thriving sea. Kids Ocean Day Hong Kong is...

SeaweedArt Santa Cruz Holiday Gift Fairs

SeaweedArt will sell holiday cards, note cards and prints at the following Santa Cruz Holiday Gift Fairs: Jingle Shells at the Seymour Center, December 2nd from 10am to 5pm.  Shop for unique ocean-themed holiday gifts that include ceramics, jewelry, photography and...

Seaweed Greetings!

This Christmas season spread holiday cheer with SeaweedArt’s whimsical sea lettuce Christmas tree.  Ten percent of November’s profits will be donated to FishWise sustainable seafood conservancy. Like FishWise on Facebook.  Share...
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