Today’s guest post is by Helen Sanders, Chief editor at Health Ambition and a proud mother of two who’s passionate about nutrition and ways to live healthier with more energy! By the way, I’ve tried this and it does work!
What is oil pulling? When I first heard of this primal remedy that came from the wise ancients of India, I assumed that this was a very weird way of pulling oil out from the body. Why would I want to do that? Is this going to make me feel better or just sick?
Well, let’s take a closer look at what oil pulling really is. Oil pulling comes from the primitive text of Ayurvedic medicine, which is widely known as traditional Indian medicine. Being a lover of alternative medicine, I had to give it a try.
But, before I gained the will power to attempt oil pulling, I wanted to know the basic questions that anyone would have. Does oil pulling work? What are the oil pulling results? Read more …