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Too Precious to Wear Protects Coral Reefs

Here are some interesting facts about coral reefs that you may not know. Corals are found all over the world in shallow, tropical waters and on the deep, dark ocean floor. Despite their appearance, corals are neither rocks nor plants; corals are living animals. Coral...

Kid Safe and Sustainable Seafood

  Most moms know that fish and shellfish are an important part of a healthy diet, because they contain high-quality protein and other essential nutrients, are low in saturated fat, and contain omega-3 fatty acids. A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of...

SeaweedArt Featured in SeaWeb’s Ocean Voices

A Gift from the sea: Creating Art from Seaweed SeaWeb, who happens to be this month’s SeaweedArt featured ocean advocate, has interviewed me as one of their featured ocean advocates in their Ocean Voices series. You can read the interview here here . For the...

Environmentalists Endorse Bruce McPherson

Former California State Senator and California Secretary of State, Bruce McPherson is running for 5th District Supervisor of Santa Cruz County.  It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I endorse Bruce, (the only Republican I have ever voted for) because he has a...

A Day at the Beach

Here is a creative and imaginative interpretation of what you can find when you spend a day at the beach. It’s not just seashells and sand crabs. You guessed it. LOTS of trash, junk and plastic. The best way to end the glut of plastic junk that ends up in our...
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